Not surprisingly, Danish music and musical culture have been studied and commented on almost exclusively by Danes. There are, however, some people elsewhere in the world who have studied these matters extensively. ROSA has invited two of these men to share their views on the Danish rock scene with us. At the end of the session, they are going to listen to a couple of Danish rock songs, which they are asked to comment on.
Mike Jones (UK)
The English scholar Mike Jones teaches at the Institute of Popular Music at Liverpool University. His own research focuses on the impact of major label signing and release policies on aspirant pop acts. He is currently working on his first book “The Musician and the Music Industry”. Before this, he was a songwriter with the politically aware rock band Latin Quarter, whose “Radio Africa” was a big hit in 1986.
Leslie C. Gay (S)
Leslie C. Gay Jr. is an American anthropologist with a PhD in ethnomusicology from Columbia University, New York. He has written a number of reviews and articles for periodicals on American music and musical culture. His most recent work is a historical and ethnographical account of the reception of Afro-American music in Denmark and how it has shaped the concept of “rytmisk musik”.
Henrik Marstal (moderator)
Besides playing the bass in the pop band ibens, Marstal is an MA in musicology, a lecturer and the author of several thought-provoking books on music. Thus, in 2002, came “Alt hvad musikken kan” on the potential of music, and in 2003 together with Morten Jaeger, he published “Hitskabelonen” on the standardisation of pop music, which attracted a lot of attention due to its critical stance to the means and objectives of pop music. |